With Millborn’s My SeedMix App, you now have access to all cover crop species from the comfort of your own home. This simple, easy resource is designed for you to create your own unique and diverse custom blend using your knowledge and experiences to achieve your goals on your operation.
Create your mix
Knowing your equipment and priorities, you can select your preferred planting method and bag size. The ‘name your mix’ option, allows you to create multiple mixes to meet all demands of your farm.

Select your planting time
Are you looking for early or summer grazing, or ways to promote soil health by providing winter cover? The planting time step provides five seasons to select from. Your mix will be designed to perform best in your selected season.
Set your priorities

Everyone has a goal to achieve, what is your goal? The goal section allows you to select specific goals by what you individually want to achieve.
Select your species
Now that it is time to build your mix, the app breaks down all species based on your priorities and demands for your operation. From there, you can pick and choose which species are best suited.
The app sorts species in categories of excellent, fair and poor recommendations to fit your planting time and goals. In each category, species are split into brassicas, legumes, grasses and broadleaves, making it easy for you to select your perfect mix.
As you add species, your seeding rate will calculate your mix and will rank it among these categories, which include nitrogen fixation, grazing, reducing soil compaction, salinity tolerance, C:N ration and nutrient scavenging. As you select more species, you can adjust the mix to fix your needs.

Choose an inoculation option
Adding an inoculant is a choice only you can make. If you want to enhance nodulation of your legumes and promote nitrogen fixation, then adding an inoculant could be for you.

Review your options
Now that your mix is designed to directly suit your operation and its priorities, the app gives you a total mix scorecard and a ‘how to plant guide.’ Throughout the process, our specialists are here to guide you, not only for selecting and ordering seed, but for each step in the seed growth process.
Order today and we will have your custom mix blended, packaged and shipped to you within days!