Justin Fruechte

Justin Fruechte

Justin Fruechte lives agriculture every day. Inside the office, he is sharing his knowledge and insights on forage and cover crops and at home, he runs a cattle, sheep and crop farm. 

“I have a passion for the forages we sell,” Justin said. “Growing up and working in agriculture, I can see the entire picture. I understand nutrition, agronomy and feeding and I fully understand what you are going through as a producer.”

Justin graduated from South Dakota State University with a degree in Animal Science and Agriculture Business.

“In college, it was the activities, networking, judging and your social group that teach you the most,” Justin said. “Sitting and talking about your farm and agriculture with your friends helped me tremendously.”

As a forage and cover crop specialist, working to help customers put together plans for their forage needs. “I saw a potential for agriculture sales,” Justin said about starting with Millborn Seeds in 2010. “I was able to jump into a company that was just starting with forage and cover crop seed.”

In the office, Justin is not only a mentor for the sales team, but a fun, real and genuine guy. “Anything I recommend to you is real,” Justin said. “I will not recommend anything I don’t trust.”

Justin and his wife, Crissa, have four children; Mason, Lilly, Faith and June. Together they raise Red Angus cattle and sheep, show livestock and participate in sports.

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