General enrollment deadline Feb. 28
The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), administered by USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA), is a land conservation program designed to maximize profitability of your land to help improve water quality, prevent soil erosion an reduce loss of wildlife habitat. The 54th CRP enrollment begins Oct. 1, 2020. General CRP signup period is open now until Feb. 28, 2020.
CRP Enrollment Requirements or CRP Basics
Together, the CRP protects more than 20 million acres of American topsoil by increasing wildlife habitat, reducing water runoff and sedimentation, and improving the condition of lakes, rivers, ponds and streams.
In order to enroll in general enrollment, producers have a few eligibility requirements to meet, including:
- A producer must have owned and operated the land for at least 12 months
- Cropland must be planted to an agriculture commodity for four of the previous six crop years
- The land must be physically and legally capable of being planted
Contracts for General CRP are 10-15 years in length. Those who enroll in the program receive annual rental payments. In addition, producers will receive cost share for the reimbursement cost of installing the practice.
CRP provides a variety of conservation and economic benefits coast to coast.
- Prevented more than 9 million tons of soil from eroding
- Reduced nitrogen and phosphorous runoff relative to annually tilled cropland by 95 and 85 percent.
- Sequestered an annual average of 49 million tons of greenhouse gasses
- Created more than 3 million acres of restored wetlands while protecting more than 175,000 stream miles with riparian forest and grass buffers
- Benefited bees and other pollinators, and increased populations of ducks, pheasants, turkey, bobwhite quail, prairie chickens, grasshopper sparrows and many other birds.
Additional CRP Programs or Choosing the right CRP program for your land
Now more than ever, it is crucial to take care of our soil and water, as well as provide a vital habitat for wildlife. When deciding what program best fits you, there are countless routes to take depending on type of soil, state you live in or the CRP contract you currently uphold.

One program within CRP is the SAFE program or State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement. Through SAFE, farmers and landowners establish wetlands, grasses, and trees to create habitat and food sources for wildlife, while also protecting the soil and water health. Providing habitat for wildlife enhances population, improves habitats for endangered species, and promotes carbon sequestration.
Additional CRP Resources
To enroll in CRP, contact your local FSA office. Across the nation, Conservation Districts specialize in helping you to enroll in CRP and make a difference on your land.
In addition, right here at Millborn Seeds, we have two Conservation Specialists to answer any questions and to help guide you through the process.
Each project is unique, but that’s why it’s our goal to make this a simple and rewarding process by offering assistance in any way we can. Whether you’re establishing a new habitat or reclaiming a disturbed area, we are here to help you to achieve your conservation goals.
To reach our conservation specialists, call 605-697-6306 or email Jason Tronbak at or Justin Pederson at